The catalogue files are plain text files. The catalogue file unlabelled-.cats contains representatives of the isomorphism classes of unlabelled lattices with N elements, with each line encoding one lattice. Lines are terminated with '\n' = 0x0a. Each line of a file encodes one lattice as follows: - The elements of the lattice are labelled 1,..,N ; where 1 is the upper bound and N is the lower bound of the lattice. - The chosen representatives are levellised, that is, if one has A covers B (where 1 \le A,B \le N), then A < B holds. Thus, the incidence matrix describing the covering relation is upper triangular. - The line encoding a lattice gives the incidence matrix for the covering relation of the lattice in column major order: For 1 \le A < B \le N, the ((B-1)*(B-2)/2+A)-th character of the line indicates whether A covers B: the character is '1' if A covers B; the character is '.' otherwise. Please cite the following paper when using data from this catalogue: V. Gebhardt, S. Tawn: Constructing unlabelled lattices, Journal of Algebra, to appear (2019).