popWindow_show($pWTitle,$pWMsg,$pWConfirm,$pWCancel,$pWIcon); popWindow_btnSingle(); */ ?>

but below the 'Scripts' from hrefing the 'jquery' library and above the 'custom script'. -------------------------------------------------- Use the following code inside 'Scripts (custom)' | to show pWin // show pop-pWin $pWTitle = ''; $pWMsg = ''; $pWConfirm = ''; $pWCancel = ''; $pWIcon = 0; popWindow_show($pWTitle,$pWMsg,$pWConfirm,$pWCancel,$pWIcon); -------------------------------------------------- Must use the following code inside 'Scripts (custom)' | to make the 'Confirm' to function $('#popWinBtn_confirm').click(function(e){ var iFrame_func = $('#popWin_iFrame')[0].contentWindow; // call a function/variable inside iframe to check if condition == true for pop-Window to close | 'error_inUsername()' is the function if (!iFrame_func.error_inUsername()){ popWindow_hide(); } }); -------------------------------------------------- Use the following code inside 'Scripts (custom)' before 'popWindow_show($pWTitle,$pWMsg,$pWConfirm,$pWCancel,$pWIcon);' | to show "only 1 button" popWindow_btnSingle(); -------------------------------------------------- Use the following code inside 'Scripts (custom)' | to re-design button "style" $('#popWinBtn_confirm').css({'color': 'red'}); $('#popWinBtn_confirm').hover(function(){ $(this).css({'background-color': 'red','color': 'white'}); },function(){ $(this).css({'background-color': '','color': 'red'}); }); -------------------------------------------------- Example: */ ?>