The Event-Based Space Situational Awareness (EBSSA) Dataset Authors ------- Saeed Afshar, Andrew P Nicholson, Andre van Schaik and Gregory Cohen The International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems (ICNS) The MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development Western Sydney University Penrith, Australia 2751 Email: What is it? ----------- The EBSSA dataset is a collection of event-based recordings of resident space objects, planets and stars. Further information on the dataset contents can be found in the paper available at arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.08730. Formats ------- The dataset is provided in two formats: 1.) One ".mat" file per recording. 2.) One ".h5" file for all the recordings combined. Dataset Summary --------------- A short summary of the dataset is provided below: The labelled section of the dataset contains 84 recordings. The unlabelled section of the dataset contains 153 recordings in folders marked "Unlabelled". Please refer to the 'Readme.txt' files in "./Labelled Data/" and "./Labelled Data/HDF5_Format/" folders for instructions on how to read the MAT files and the HDF5 file. How to cite ----------- Please cite the following paper when using or referencing the dataset: Afshar, Saeed, et al. "Event-based Object Detection and Tracking for Space Situational Awareness." arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.08730 (2019).